Lab Safety / Technical Safety Topics

Radiation Health and Safety

Instructor: Jonathan Klane

In today's world, understanding radiation is paramount. Whether you work in healthcare, industry, or simply want to protect yourself and others, this course equips you with essential knowledge and practical skills to navigate the risks associated with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

What is this course about?

Delve into the intricate world of radiation with our comprehensive online course on Radiation Health and Safety. Developed and instructed by Jonathan Klane, a seasoned expert in the field, this course unravels the complexities of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Gain a profound understanding of the various types of radiation, their unique characteristics, and the essential measures to mitigate associated risks.

What are the benefits of this course?

  • Distinguish Between Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation: Gain clarity on the characteristics that differentiate these two forms of radiation, and understand how they impact our environment and health.
  • Explore the World of Ionizing Radiation: Identify various types of ionizing radiation and their specific health effects, empowering you to navigate potential hazards with confidence.
  • Master Radiation Control Measures: Learn the vital techniques of time, distance, and shielding to keep radiation exposure "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA), ensuring maximum safety in diverse environments.
  • Unravel Non-Ionizing Radiation Risks: From ultraviolet to radiofrequency radiation, comprehend the risks posed by non-ionizing radiation, with a special focus on protecting vulnerable areas like the eyes and skin.
  • Implement Effective Safety Protocols: Equip yourself with practical knowledge on implementing controls for non-ionizing radiation, including specialized measures for eye and skin protection.

What are the learning outcomes of this course?

  • Compare and contrast ionizing and nonionizing radiation effects
  • List the types of ionizing radiation and describe their effects
  • Explain the different ionizing controls, including time-distance-shielding
  • List the types of nonionizing radiation and describe their effects
  • Explain the different nonionizing controls, including eye and skin protection

In an increasingly technologically-driven world, understanding radiation and its safety protocols is not just desirable – it's essential. Whether you're a healthcare professional, scientist, engineer, or simply curious about the invisible forces shaping our world, this course empowers you to make informed decisions and protect yourself and others from potential harm.

Join us on this enlightening journey into the realm of radiation health and safety. Enroll now and step confidently into a safer, more informed future!

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Course content

    • Introduction
    • Radiation Health, Safety, and the People
    • Radiation Types
    • Hazard Control Measures
    • Quiz